Build a Bouquet Workshop 3/06/2025 at 6PM at The Cakery - 2 spots left
Join us at The Cakery for a curated cupcake workshop limited to 6 students. This class will take you through the construction of a cupcake bouquet from start to finish. You will learn how to create roses, peonies, hydrangeas and use Russian tips to create your 9 cupcake masterpiece!
Join us at The Cakery for a curated cupcake workshop limited to 6 students. This class will take you through the construction of a cupcake bouquet from start to finish. You will learn how to create roses, peonies, hydrangeas and use Russian tips to create your 9 cupcake masterpiece!
Join us at The Cakery for a curated cupcake workshop limited to 6 students. This class will take you through the construction of a cupcake bouquet from start to finish. You will learn how to create roses, peonies, hydrangeas and use Russian tips to create your 9 cupcake masterpiece!